

Recently, the Chinese government has issued the new regulations regarding the promotion of personal WeChat links.

The main purpose of this new regulation is to enhance the security of users’ accounts, protect the privacy of users, and create a healthy and orderly network environment. According to the new regulations, users who promote their personal WeChat links must obtain the real-name authentication from WeChat. They must also provide valid personal information, such as name, ID card number, and phone number.

In addition, the new regulation also stipulates that the content of personal WeChat links must not be false or misleading, and must not contain any pornographic, vulgar, or other illegal information. If any user violates this regulation, he or she will be subject to legal sanctions.

In order to ensure that users are able to promote their personal WeChat links in a safe and secure manner, the new regulation also requires that users must not promote their links on a large scale, and must not use any illegal means to promote their links. Furthermore, users are not allowed to use any software or robot to promote their personal WeChat links.

The new regulations on personal WeChat links are intended to protect the security of users’ accounts, protect users’ privacy, and create a healthy and orderly network environment. It is hoped that users can abide by these regulations and promote their personal WeChat links in a safe and proper manner.

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